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PSMG adopts SOBS as official Charity

The PSMG is pleased to have chosen Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SoBS) as its official charity.

Alison Middleton founded SoBS in 1991 after losing her brother to suicide. Her personal experience with the lack of support available to those left behind drove her to create a lifeline for others grappling with grief, unanswered questions, and feelings of abandonment. Today, 33 years later, SoBS has developed significantly with, vitally, a growing band of expert staff and volunteers, all of whom have been impacted by suicide loss.

Tayla-Jayde Morgan, the charity’s head of social media and marketing, says:

“A 2016 study published in JAMA Psychiatry highlighted a grim reality: individuals bereaved by the suicide of a family member are 3.3 times more likely to die by suicide than those who have not experienced such a loss.

“SoBS addresses this critical issue by providing essential support and helping to prevent the cycle of suicide. We offer peer-to-peer help through local groups, a support line, email assistance, and an online forum accessible to those abroad who lack local resources. Additionally, we have launched a podcast,  Let's Talk Tuesday  , where we interview volunteers about their journey from grief to becoming a lifeline for others.”

PSMG managing partner, Gail Jaffa, says: “We’re so pleased to be able to offer our support to SoBS. As an organisation representing professionals in demanding and challenging jobs, we’re all-too aware how something like stress affects us mentally and physically and, crucially, how important it is we all feel more comfortable talking about our own mental wellbeing and that of those with whom we work.”


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