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A new industry book by Weightmans Dr Catriona Wolfenden and Stuart Whittle: "Innovation in Law Firms - Implementing Successful Projects"

Whilst it is an overly hackneyed phrase, Weightmans’ foray into innovation and it’s evolution in to the creation of products has truly been a journey for the firm generally and, in particular, for Catriona Wolfenden, Product and Innovation Directory and Stuart Whittle, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer. 

From its inception of, largely, having to make things up as they went along to a, Dr Seuss, Cat in the Hat approach to getting stuff done, the book charts that journey along with assimilating the experience of others in the market who undertook similar journeys and attempts to distil some of the do’s and don’ts and lessons learned along the way to, if nothing else, record all of the things they might have done differently if they knew what they know now.

Fundamentally the book isn’t about the process or about the technology, it’s about the people and the nuances of creating products and innovating within the confines of a law firm and, with some perspicacity, the awareness of their own limitations as former lawyers cast out far beyond their comfort zones.

A 25% pre-publication DISCOUNT is currently available here

Watch this space for more information as to launch and content promotion!


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